Over the past thirty years, the SUNY CPD has evolved into the central resource for SUNY Faculty and Staff training and professional development. Our foundation has been to support professionals within SUNY who are directly serving our student population and interacting with them on a daily basis. Through our Online Student Supports Certificate, Certificate in Teaching and Learning, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Certificate, and many other programs, the SUNY CPD enhances the capabilities and capacity of SUNY professionals throughout the System. However, during the past year, as resources have been redirected and SUNY has learned how to survive and thrive in a pandemic, SUNY CPD has been called upon to provide services where we meet our students on the front lines of their experience. It has been a true pleasure to work with SUNY students, hear about their needs, struggles, creativity, optimism for the future of their education and career paths. As most of this work is providing program guidance and support "behind the scenes" I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight SUNY CPD's work in supporting the following SUNY Student focused events: • SUNY Pride! • SUNY Campus Info Sessions - Prospective Students • EOP Information Sessions • SUNY SAIL's Student Leadership Institute • SUNY Undergraduate Research Conference (SURC) • SUNY Student Assembly (SA) Mental Health Matters
Take a look at this recording of a recently offered program of SUNY SA, that highlights the importance of student mental health and wellness and how we can best support these increasing needs throughout the system. Our ability to provide support and facilitate programs for the SUNY Student Community has been a true "silver lining" of our new normal. We have been inspired by our students and marvel at their resilience and dedication to their education and SUNY. - Lisa Raposo, Interim Director